the morning we had breakfast and after that we had the workshop “Role
exchange”. In this workshop the teamers and participants switched the roles. We
had two groups of ''new teamers'': one group did a workshop about antidiscrimination
and the other group about EU awareness. The “old teamers” and the rest of the
participants joined these two workshops. Then after the daily midday
refreshment –lunch- Johnny gave a speech about the way he organized the Reunion
and what we need to do for organizing our Re-Reunion next summer. Afterwards,
we had our last Project group meetings and later on there were VU-groups
meetings. In the evening, after dinner, we had Final party. A few participants
organized this party which means decorating the basement, preparing the music
and bringing drink and food. We all had a lot of fun! After few hours of
dancing and singing, we all went to our rooms.
BELMA: Being a teamer
is a very difficult role. You need to get
participants to listen to you. But for me it was interesting. I would like to
be a teamer one day. The final party was great. We had fun and for those few
hours we forgot that we are leaving soon. I really enjoyed it.
JULIA: It was great to get into teamers role so
you can see how much work it is and that it's not that easy as it seems to be but it
was great experience for making a decision if you want
to be a teamer later on or better not. The discussion about the re reunion and how to write a project showed us
that it will be a lot of work if we want to organize a re reunion.
AJLA: It was a great experience to be in the teamers’ shoes, to see what
kind of job they had to do every day and how do they cope with it. I found out
that it isn't that easy to arrange and organize every single detail about
workshops. You have to think about many things in advance. How you are going to
make the activities interesting, what is your aim, what are u going to teach the
participants about the topic, how you are going to control the group etc. But after all, we really made
a good job, so in the end we were really proud of ourselves.
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